Universe of Pharmaceutical Classifications

Cartogram, 2020

In the United States, every drug reviewed and approved by the FDA is given a classification. We were tasked with organizing every one of these drug classifications into a single memorable visual representation.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Illustration / Infographic / Timeline, 2017

Don’t be afraid of complexity! This series contains a lot of information, but makes a single central point. Namely, that every innovation resulted in lives saved.

Voter Dilution in Georgia’s 2018 Runoff Election for District 3 of the Public Services Commission

Animation for Plaintiff’s Opening Statement and Closing Argument, 2022

PDE Localizations as Known in 1997

Anatomical illustration, 2017

Reconstruction of Industrial Food Slicer

3D Model and Animation, 2022

Relative Volume Comparison

Demonstrative Animation, 2022

Would you rather receive a 50mL injection or a 500mL injection? Would the jurors truly comprehend the difference? Our solution here was simple: relate these volumes to every day objects.

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